All posts in "Life Lessons"

Crocodile Tears

By Dana Rausch / April 26, 2023

Every day I would hear children walking by the church office on their way to the school office. I hear their little giggles, their whispers and sometimes even the tears. One day I heard someone coming from a far sobbing. As they came closer, I could hear more than one child crying. I knew when […]


A Memorial Day Miracle #3

By Dana Rausch / September 17, 2018

Part 1 begins with the call to 911. Part 2 is told to me by my family. I have no memory of the ambulance ride, the ER, being in ICU or any visitors. Part 3 is what I do recall. The sequence and timeline is askew but the struggle was real! It is my 55 […]


A Memorial Day Miracle #2

By Dana Rausch / September 10, 2018

Part 2/3 of A Memorial Day Miracle. While I fought to stay alive, my family faced their own battles. After the ambulance left, Don remained in his truck and made a few phone calls. Brooke & Janae rushed to take care of the dogs, call family members and lock up our house. She arrived at […]


A Memorial Day Miracle #1

By Dana Rausch / August 30, 2018

Part 1 of 3. Friday was the perfect day to schedule my knee surgery prior to Memorial Day weekend. Three days of rest and I would be able to return to my desk job on Tuesday morning. Short on funds, I held off paying the company medical insurance and workman’s compensation until then. The surgery […]



By Dana Rausch / April 13, 2016

Few things change a person’s perspective more than participating in a mission’s trip. We live out of our comfort zone while sharing life with strangers.  Traveling, we experience a new culture, environment and values with those around us.  Yet most valuable is the self-examination that tends to happen every time. Those things we take for […]


The Battle Plan

By Dana Rausch / February 13, 2016

Home alone, I was awakened at 10:30pm by someone pounding on my front door. Instantly upset at the rudeness, I peered through the peep hole. Standing there was a stranger! Trying to disguise my voice I yelled, “WHAT?” The man stepping from foot to foot answered, “UHHHH, I am here for Joe!”  To which I […]


I Am Sorry, Will You Forgive Me?

By Dana Rausch / February 8, 2016

Betrayal causes the heart to close up and lock its doors. Being betrayed is one of life’s most painful experiences. The healing can take years to cure, yet for some the heartbreak is terminal. The wound cuts deep and wreaks havoc on our ability to trust. Our belief in people is shattered. Insecurity overrides clear […]


A Changed View

By Dana Rausch / December 28, 2015

Exhausted, I laid down to take a five minute nap yet it turned into a thirty minute nap. Sitting up I couldn’t focus. Things across the room were blurry. Reaching to rub my eyes I came in contact with my glasses. Chagrined realizing I had left them on. Oh my! Now they were tweaked. Unable to […]



By Dana Rausch / October 15, 2015

A person reaps what they sow. If you plant an apple seed you get an apple tree. If you plant an avocado seed, you get an avocado tree. If you plant a lemon seed you get a lemon tree. So what do you get if you plant lies in a fertile mind? You get a […]


Volcanic Emotions

By Dana Rausch / September 28, 2015

A note of caution before you read this story. I am going to be very honest with you. You may not like or respect me after I share my feelings. People ask me how and why I share what I do and my answer is because we are all similar. We ALL feel certain things although […]

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