Crocodile Tears

Every day I would hear children walking by the church office on their way to the school office. I hear their little giggles, their whispers and sometimes even the tears.This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is crocodile-tears.webp

One day I heard someone coming from a far sobbing. As they came closer, I could hear more than one child crying. I knew when they arrived at the school office because the gut-wrenching sobbing began. I just had to go see what the problem was. Sitting in the school office were three little girls crying like their hearts were broken. All three had crocodile tears pouring down their cheeks. And they were wailing. I didn’t see any blood, scraped knees or elbows, or tattered clothes as if they had fallen. I asked, “What is wrong girls?”

In unison, they all cried they were afraid. They had never been sent to the office before. And they were so afraid of what was going to happen in the principal’s office. They were in so much trouble!

I tried to reassure them that the principal was very nice, and everything would turn out okay. It really wasn’t that bad. But of course, they would have none of it.
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They couldn’t quit crying. They were so sorry, and really meant it. They continued sobbing with “My parents are going to be so mad!” (It is amazing the things school workers hear about parents!)

I turned to the school secretary and said, “I feel a picture story coming. Can you imagine how much better off we would be if we were this sorry for our sins? If we showed that much repentance over them?” 
Certainly, Jesus feels the way I did that day. I wanted to make everything all okay for them. They touched my heart. Yet, He cares about every detail of our lives. He wants us to have abundant lives, but our sin gets in the way. He says let’s deal with it and move on. But because we are afraid of him, we run the other way.

He loves you more than you can even fathom. Instead of fighting it, just receive it. Quit running or think because you have done so many wrong things, God couldn’t possibly forgive you. I serve a BIG God. He is able to do anything. That includes helping you.

About the author

Dana Rausch

Dana has been married since 1980, has three adult children and eight grandchildren. She loves that they are all living within 10 miles of each other in the Southern California desert. She enjoys reading, writing and teaching. Dana delights in the gift God has given her to teach life lessons from the Bible through picture stories.

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