Blind Spots

Our family had just finished dinner and we were lounging in the living room. Sitting on the love seat my nine year old daughter was drinking a can of Mountain Dew. Next to her was my six year old son.  Alarmed, he blurted out, “Brittany! Do you not know that Mountain Dew will lower your […]

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Hit By A Wave

Asking for help, prayer or support does not come easy for me. I think I should be strong, prepared and a pillar of faith. But I am not….. This summer began as usual anticipating fun days, time off, short trips, relaxation and no worries. It was like a much anticipated beach day; cooler weather, sand between […]

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Losing Control

Know or Go is a suspenseful game played on a few TV shows. Standing on a lifted platform a person is asked a question. If they answer correctly they remain upright. If they answer wrong, the flooring drops out from beneath them and they fall into oblivion. Watching the contestants some are so nervous anticipating […]

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Holding Up the Titanic

My heart hurts… I feel weighed down… I hate life… Someone said mean things….I feel betrayed…I feel stabbed….They were my friend…Why can’t it be different? My mentor and friend asked, “How does it feel holding up that titanic?” My flippant response was, “Well, hopefully I lose the flab on my arms….” She smiled yet continued, […]

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